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About Gardner Moyo
Gardner Moyo has 2 current jobs including Foxfire Director at African Enterprise Australia in Zimbabwe, Pastor at BBC - Baptist Church. Previously worked at ACM RSA as Youth Co Ordinator. African Enterprise Australia is a Non-profit Organizations company in African Enterprise
Sydney, 2113, AU with 46 employees
Gardner Moyo Social
Gardner Moyo Work
Gardner Moyo is the Foxfire Director @African Enterprise Australia, with experience in Pastor @BBC - Baptist Church
African Enterprise works with local churches to faithfully proclaim the gospel in the cities of Africa using stratified evangelism. This means that we take the gospel to where people are- the open markets, schools, prisons, student leader’s movements, doctors dinners, professional leaders forums, civic leaders forums, political arms of the government up to the president.
As committed evangelicals, our mission is supported by aid & development programs. We provide training in social skills, apprenticeship programs, water and sanitation projects with a goal to bring people to the full knowledge and love of Jesus.