Garay Winkler
Account Manager at Renda Media
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Work Experience
Account Manager
Feb 2012 - Present · 12 years and 10 months
2009 - Present · 15 years and 11 months
Company Details
51-200 Employees
In the arena where radio meets digital, we witness not a clash of the old and new, but a harmonious collaboration that enriches the listener experience. The heart of radio, with its power to evoke emotions and build connections, remains intact, while the digital enhancements propel it into a future where the possibilities are as limitless as the digital spectrum itself. This intersection is not a crossroads of obsolescence but, a cross-pollination of innovation, where the echoes of the past resonate in the pixels of the future.
Year Founded
Social Media
Broadcast Media Production and Distribution
HQ Location
900 Parish St Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15220, US
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