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About Gail Breslow
Gail Breslow is Executive Director at Project Citizenship in United States. Previously worked at Community Consulting Teams Boston (CCT Boston) as Project Manager. Project Citizenship is a Legal Services company in 11 Beacon St
Suite 720
Boston, Massachusetts 02108, US with 16 employees
Project Citizenship is a nonprofit agency that works to ensure that all immigrants have access to the path to citizenship. Project Citizenship is New England’s citizenship expert and collaborates with community-based partners across New England to help eligible, permanent residents overcome barriers to becoming U.S. citizens. Project Citizenship offers free workshops providing eligibility screening, application assistance, legal referrals and all materials needed to apply for U.S. citizenship.
Why We Do What We Do:
We focus exclusively on citizenship because of the values that we hold as an organization:
Inclusion: We welcome immigrants in the community and encourage them to become citizens as soon as they are eligible.
Democracy: We promote civic engagement among immigrants, to make new citizens active participants in their communities and country.
Opportunity: We promote the value of citizenship. Citizenship provides opportunities for increased access to benefits, jobs, and advancement for immigrants, their children, families and future generations to come.
Community: We inspire and assist immigrants to gain the benefits of citizenship to strengthen community ties.
Collaboration: We engage community-based organizations, partners and pro bono legal services to make Project Citizenship a community-driven, cost-effective model that is able to serve a vast number of immigrants across New England.