theAsianparent is the flagship brand of The Parent Inc., a tech company headquartered in Singapore that focuses on building digital tools and day-to-day products that empower and enable parents to make choices which suit their needs.
Starting out as a parenting blog in 2009, theAsianparent has since grown to become Southeast Asia’s largest community plus platform for parents. theAsianparent reaches over 35 million users monthly via its website and app, and is available in 13 different languages across 12 countries: Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Japan, India (, Australia (, and Nigeria (
Through theAsianparent, we provide parents with relevant content; a social network where they can connect with fellow parents and parenting experts, and brands; income opportunities as niche influencers, content contributors, and research panelists; and access to curated products and services. Join the community and download our 4.9-star app here: