GTC Solutions "GadTech" company founded in 1992, specialized in the field of computer software, provided the Egyptian market with integrated solutions for commercial, financial and educational applications, and during this period we managed to rise to be on the top in producing software applications that make GTC takes a competitive position in the Middle East markets, our team always keen to provide with up-to-date and effective in the world of information technology.
We run our business on the solid grounded values of Quality, Efficiency and Human resource motivation for Better Business Intelligence Experience.
Our products:
• Al-Motakhases (ERP System).
• Al-Motakhases, Accounting and Project Management System
• Al-Motakhases, Contracting Management System
• Al-Motakhases, HR & Payroll & Time attends
• Al-Motakhases, Customers Relationship Management (CRM)
• Roaya, School Management System (SMS)
• Roaya, University Management System (UMS)
Our Services
• Web application programming.
• Digital Marketing.
• Moblie app.
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