When you’re facing a crucial decision, Millie connects you to the power of mentors. From our global network, we create your dream team—the people who guide you to the world's leading schools, careers, and lifestyles. Join our community, and you’ll receive a personalized education through our tech-enabled platform, experienced counselors, and high-achieving tutors. We’re the big brother and big sister you wish you had.
No more quarter-life crisis
Quarter-life crisis is the new mid-life crisis. With Millie, you can define your authentic future, so you won't feel stuck later. We help students gain acceptance to top colleges and universities, but we also go deeper. We guide you to find the majors and careers that will make you happy. Mentors share their own experiences, educate you about opportunities, and help you create a fulfilling life.
Learn on the go
Imagine a learning platform that’s as interactive as Instagram. Developed at Columbia Business School and London Business School, Millie brings tutors and tech to you so that learning feels as comfortable as chatting over coffee.
We support all students
We seek to make education, college admissions guidance, and career exploration accessible for students who face financial challenges. We’re committed to creating a positive social impact and uniting our world across borders. We believe in the power of lifelong learning, the strength of community, and the potential of each individual.