Our mission is to build an economy that works for everyone by advancing public policies that promote educational opportunity, good jobs, healthy families and workplaces, and a secure and dignified retirement for all.
We seek a future grounded in economic security, racial equity, sustainability and a high quality of life for all. We want every Washington resident to have affordable, high-quality health care; access to affordable early learning and care and higher education opportunities; equitable opportunity and rights at work; time for care and the pursuit of happiness; and a secure and dignified retirement. We want our state’s communities to thrive as we transition toward a sustainable economy.
We seek to transform existing power relationships, so that all residents, workers, and communities have the right to organize and an equitable voice in making collective decisions regarding our shared economic future. We want state and local governments to utilize fair and just public revenue systems which support robust investments in public services that promote strong families and healthy communities.
We recognize that we cannot be successful in building a just economy for all without directly addressing institutional and structural racism, which creates devastating economic, educational, and health disparities. EOI seeks to apply a racial equity lens to our public policy research, communications, and advocacy work. We strive to include the voices of communities most impacted by racism.
We also strive to dismantle institutional racism in our internal governance policies, hiring practices and workplace culture. We are committed to nurturing an equitable and diverse work environment where all employees feel safe, included, valued, and supported. We will practice our anti-racist values within EOI and continue to learn, reflect, and act with courage, openness, and humility.