Since 2010, ETS has developed, implemented and successfully proven several unique systems of training that have delivered unmatched results for thousands of youth, high school, collegiate, professional and Olympic athletes worldwide.
These proprietary systems have been created through years of extensive research by combining unique ETS methods & philosophies with specific synergistic components from other world-renowned performance specialists. The unique systems of training that ETS provides are customized and easily implemented for any individual athlete or client regardless of age, sport or ability level. Since 2010, ETS has produced over 2,500 Division 1 ,2 and 3 Athletes from the various sports; 200+ Professional Athletes, and over 50,000+ Athletes in total.
ETS has attracted numerous professional athletes into the brand as well as drawn national and global attention for our unique performance systems and positive impact on communities. With the proven success that our athletes and clients receive, it is our mission to expand the ETS brand to a whole new level.