Our company provides cyber defence related services primarily for business entities and governments internationally. Beside the classic IT security consultancy and research and development solutions Cyber Services Plc provides a holistic cyber defence life-cycle support, including
- Proactive defence (cyber threat analysis / cyber intelligence / multi-level security awareness programs / talent management and security team and capability building / gamification / planning and executing cyber defence exercises / ethical hacking / vulnerability assessment),
- Managed security services (log management / incident management / vulnerability management / network security monitoring / SOC),
- Incident response (incident investigation / network and computer forensics / malware analysis / APT campaign analysis),
- Mitigation (IT risk and impact mitigation / software refactoring / IT system hardening), and
- Sharing cyber defence decision support information as a service (business process re-engineering from information security aspects / strategic evaluation from information security aspects / decision support from information security aspects).
Through the professional expertise of its key experts Cyber Services Plc is able to build and support full cyber defence systems and develop necessary policies and processes at clients to keep information security on an even hardened level.
Security and Investigations
HQ Location
40 Boszormenyi Rd
Budapest, Pest 1126, HU
Cyber Defence ServicesEducationCyber Threat AnalysisSecurity AwarenessEthical HackingIncident HandlingCyber Defence Exercise planning and executionand Strategic Decision Support