Since 1998, Odem Scientific Applications Ltd. has offered vacuum components and systems sales and represents many of the leading companies in the vacuum technology field.
Odem is the exclusive representative for the following principals.
Pfeiffer Vacuum,SHI-APD,Polycold,SCT,HTC ,Angstrom Sciences,Brooks Polycold division,Inficon.Mott Corp.
The other activity is designing and manufacturing vacuum systems according to customers' specifications.
* The third activity is the Clean Parts department, which specializes in cleaning parts and subassemblies mainly from hydro carbon residues.
Among our customers are:
I.A.I Israeli Air Craft Industry.
Tower Semiconductors.
Applied Materials Israel.
The electro-optical industry.
Semiconductor Devices.
Most of the laser and fiber optic telecommunication startups, universities, and technological education centers.
The company is a member of the Gevasol Group.
3 Pekeris St.
Rabin Park, Rehovot 76702
Tel: 972 8 9480780
Fax: 972 8 9480781
Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vacuum Equipment & System, Industrial Supplies
HQ Location
3 Pekeris St.
Rabin Science Park
Rehovoth, 74140, IL
sales of vacuum components and systemsClean Parts department Which is specialized in cleaning parts and subassembliesexclusive representativeDesign & manufacturing Vacuum systemsand Sub contractors for wide range of assemblies