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About Fredence Nga Ting
Fredence Nga Ting is Life Coach - Student at Coaching and Leadership International Inc. in macau. Previously worked at Grand Coloane Resort as Executive Assistant. Coaching and Leadership International Inc. is a Professional Training and Coaching company in P.O. Box 117
Brentwood Bay, BC V8M 1R3, CA with 16 employees
We have four business units:
1. We are The Global Leaders in 'Whole Brain, Whole Person, Whole Potential, Leadership, Executive & Life Coach Training - training executive, business and life coaches world-wide.
2. CLI works in corporate to raise the competency levels of leaders and employees - but with a twist. Participants become whole brain thinkers with the ability to lead with both logic and heart.
3. We license our work through Master Distributors world-wide.
4. CLI is prolific at the development of learning resources which quickly, efficiently and effectively support individuals in their personal development. Permanent positive change happens at a cellular level (very cool!).