Frank Waters
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201-500 Employees
Bigblu Broadband Plc is a broadband provider that delivers super-fast broadband using alternative technologies to homes and businesses that are unserved or underserved by fibre. BBB has customers in 30 countries with regional business units in the UK, France, Germany, Poland, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Norway (serving all of Scandinavia) and Australia (serving Australasia). The business grew exponentially focused initially on a core capability in satellite broadband, the company is now the largest satellite broadband ISP outside North America and the 4th largest in the world. However, for some time now the business has been technology agnostic delivering alternative broadband using satellite, ultra-fast fixed wireless and 4G/5G. Founded as Satellite Solutions Worldwide in 2008, the business listed on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM market in May 2015 with 10,000 customers and now has 120,000 customers. The business has grown via a mixture of organic and acquisitional growth. BBB’s goal is ubiquitous ultra-fast broadband coverage for its core markets which is aligned with the EU directive of 30 Mb for all European countries by 2020 and 100 Mb by 2025. BBB’s customers range from domestic homes to multi-national corporations, the military, and Governments. We’ve installed satellite broadband and fixed wireless installations into some of the most hostile and complex environments on the planet. BBB’s research and development team works with technology companies around the world to continue to expand the limits of what’s technically achievable in the field of alternative broadband communications for areas where no wired connectivity exists. Visit us at: www.bigblu.co.uk www.bbb-plc.com
Year Founded
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HQ Location
108 Churchill Road Bicester, Oxfordshire OX26 4XD, GB
EU directive of 30 Mbmulti territory alternative broadband service providerconsumersbusinesses and governmentssuper-fast broadband via satellitesuper-fast broadband via fixed-wirelessand super-fast broadband via 4G/5G
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