Concentrated power of the abtis Group: With five subsidiaries (abtis GmbH, abtis Business Solutions GmbH, changeable GmbH, ceteris AG, progX GmbH) and over 250 employees, the abtis Group is an integral part of the IT world. The abtis Group's portfolio covers the core topics of future-oriented IT: from Modern Work to Security, Business Applications, Infrastructure (Azure), Digital & App Innovation (Azure) and Data & AI (Azure).
The idea of the abtis Group is to combine the expert knowledge and specialists of the companies in order to be able to draw on know-how and knowledge within the group. Each company is an expert in its field, technologically highly specialized and certified. This enables us to provide customers from all industries with the best possible support on their path to a digital future.
As the first German Microsoft partner with a total of 14 "Microsoft Specializations" and awarded as a Microsoft Solutions Partner with Certified Professional competencies in the areas of Modern Work, Infrastructure Azure, Security, Data & AI and Digital & App Innovation, abtis is one of Microsoft's preferred focus partners.
We are particularly proud of our membership of the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association. This makes us one of the most reliable and trustworthy providers of security solutions in the world, offering top-class IT security.