The mission of Cathedral High School is to provide a human, religious, and academic education to young men, especially those from economically poor families in the Los Angeles area, within a Christian, Catholic community directed by the Spirit of Jesus Christ and the educational vision of Saint John Baptist de la Salle.
This education provides the opportunity for students upon graduation from school to be:
People of living faith in their respective religious traditions
Well informed in the Catholic, Lasallian traditions and informed basically about other religious traditions
Accepting of their own self-worth, uniqueness, and limitations
Respectful of others’ self-worth, uniqueness, and limitations
Appreciative of all gifts given to them
Ready to meet successfully the intellectual, moral and social demands of college or the workplace
Able to think critically
Competent in verbal, mathematical, foreign language, scientific and technological skills
Able to recognize and respond with compassion to the needs of others especially the poor and marginalized
Appreciative of beauty and complexity in the arts
Able to appropriately express personal talents, emotions, and ideas
Responsible citizens who have a sense of belonging to a civic community
Respectful of the earth and their environment.