The purposes of Balance Aotearoa are:
To promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.
To provide services and facilities that support the health, welfare, educational and social needs of Tangata Whaiora who experience psychosocial, mental health and/or addiction issues.
To promote greater awareness and better utilisation of all services and facilities that support the health, welfare, educational and social needs of Tangata Whaiora.
To support (so far as is lawfully and practicably possible) all Tangata Whenua who identify as having psychosocial, mental health and/or addiction issues and are residing in the Whanganui DHB area.
To collaborate with any other organisation whose purposes are altogether or in part consistent with the purposes of the Trust, and not inconsistent with those purposes.
To promote, assist or aid projects or research for the purposes of supporting the psychological, physical, relationship and/or social needs of Tangata Whaiora with budget approved by the board of Trustees.
To monitor, promote or oppose legislation and rulings affecting the interests of the Trust or any of its principles and purposes.
To encourage and promote cooperative and collaborative co-ordination of all services and facilities intended for Tangata Whaiora whether provided by organisations or individuals.
To support (so far as is lawfully and practicably possible) Tangata Whaiora wherever they are.