Aica Asia Pacific Holding (AAPH) is a 100% subsidiary of AICA Kogyo and is the regional head office of more than 17 factories (sites) spread across north Asia (China), South East Asia (SEA) & New Zealand. The main business of AAPH sites are mainly in the manufacture of Industrial adhesives (formaldehyde & non-formaldehyde), Composite board resins & Overlay films (mainly Phenolic based films). AAPH is the leading formaldehyde adhesives manufacturer in Asia and is partnering with all our customers to produce high quality products for their clients all over the world.
Chemical Manufacturing, Resins, synthetic, for adhesives and agglomerates, Chemical base materials, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Plastics, Resins, synthetic, Adhesives, synthetic, Chemical products, Adhesives, synthetic, by use