Welcome to the Department of Physics
We aspire to be one of the best physics departments in the world by conducting cutting-edge research and by teaching and developing the careers of the next generation of physicists.
We seek to promote the public understanding of the achievements and potential of physics.
We work on major facilities worldwide, develop the most advanced experimental techniques and the most sophisticated theoretical methods to investigate nature at every scale
• from the unimaginably large, probing the earliest epochs of the universe
• to the everyday scale of the earth’s climate
• to the unimaginably small, hunting for the Higgs boson at the LHC
and at every temperature
• from the plasmas created using powerful lasers
• to the search for room temperature superconductors
• to quantum phenomena only observable close to absolute zero.
We pursue fundamental science and in doing so make discoveries that enable us to contribute directly to tackling the challenging problems facing society.
Visit our website www.physics.ox.ac.uk for more information, events, lectures and news.
University of Oxford
Clarendon Laboratory, Parks Road
Oxford, Oxfordshire OX1 3PU, GB
AstrophysicsAtmosphericOceanic and Planetary PhysicsAtomic and Laser PhysicsCondensed Matter PhysicsParticle PhysicsRudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physicsand Interdepartmental Research Groups