Created in 1988, the California Conservation Corps Foundation (CCCF) is a non-profit public benefit organization that is dedicated to the development of careers for young Californians through the sponsorship of educational and entrepreneurial opportunities. The CCCF secures grants and other funding while providing a meaningful work experience, educational enhancement and on-the-job training. Partnering with the CCCF to assist young adults will benefit your community and help finance the development of a well trained workforce.
About the California Conservation Corps
The CCC provides trained work crews in all regions of California – urban, suburban and rural – for projects that include emergency response (flood, fires and earthquakes), energy conservation and retrofitting, irrigation system installment, landscape management, boardwalk construction, trail building, tree planting and wildlife habitat restoration. Projects must provide a natural resource or other public benefit, and projects must provide the corpsmember with education and training in employable skills.
For opportunities to sponsor and support the programs of the CCC, please contact:
Adam Somers, Executive Director
California Conservation Corps Foundation