A shareholding company registered as a juridical person with the Decision No. 4315 date 13.05.1993 of Tirana District Court.
Licensed by the Bank of Albania with the License No. 03 date 11.01.1999 “To operate as a bank in the Republic of Albania”
It exercises its activity in compliance with the Annexure attached to the License Nr. 03/1 which allows it the performance of all the banking activities according to the specifications of the article 4 of the Law No. 9662 date 18.12.2006 “On Banks in Republic of Albania” as well as the financial activities as follows:
All the forms of credit granting including the consumer loans and mortgage loans
The financial lease
All the services of payments and money transfer, including credit cards and debit cards, travelers cheques, bank cheques and payment cards
Offering of guarantees
Trading for its account or for the account of the clients, even in a currency exchange, in a self organized market (OTC) or otherwise, as follows:
Instruments of money market (cheques, bills, certificates of deposits, etc.);
Foreign Exchange;
Instruments of currency exchange and instruments for the evaluation of interest rate, including here such products like, swap agreements and agreements which determine the value of interest in the future.
Offering the service of security boxes
Consulting services, intermediary services and other auxiliary services for all the activities listed in the points 2 till 6 as above.