Renania is the leader of the health and safety industry, in the Romanian market
For the last 23 years, Renania has provided the complete set of products and services for health and safety at workplace, in high risks areas, as well as at home, in current domestic activities.
Over the past five years, the company has launched new lines of business: see Pura, the Cleanup Division or the inauguration of the first Safety Concept store in Timisoara, expanding its expertise in the retail area.
Internally, the company valued the role of technology and digital expertise, therefore investing consistently in software and digital trainings for its employees.
Nowadays, any sales agent can offer real time information about stocks, products, time of delivery, can give or take invoices on the spot, can accurately anticipate trends and estimate the market evolution. He can also deliver consultancy for the very specific needs of its client, while the client has the opportunity to create, customize and order dedicated products, thanks to the Configurator App.
Evolving, for over 5 years, in a steady pace trend, Renania is confirming its leadership position not only in terms of sales, but also as a market influencer, through the events is initiating, endorsing or supporting financially, as main sponsor: Renania Academy, Workplace Safety Management Forum, Renania Executive Summer School, The Alternative School for Creative Thinking or Safety Awards Gala.
Retail Office Equipment, Imbracaminte de protectie, din produse textile netesute, Imbracaminte si incaltaminte, Textile, Confectii, Piele, Ceasuri, Bijuterii, Tinute de protectie si siguranta, clasificate dupa tipul tesaturii, Imbracaminte de protectie, pentru mineri, Incaltaminte de protectie, de uz profesional, Cizme de lucru, Accesorii pentru palarii/sepci/batice de dama, nespecificate in alta parte, Aparatoare de pantaloni, jambiere, de protectie
HQ Location
Str. Dezrobirii nr. 19
Targu Mures, Mures 540240, RO
Renania BusinessPentru companii din orice domeniu de activitate.Comunitatea de business si mediul de afaceri.Pentru revanzatoriparteneri Renania.Renania HomeCelor care mesteresc pe langa casa.Renania KidsCopiilor si parintilor grijulii.SSM