Portuguese Footwear Technological Centre (CTCP) is a non-profit private organization founded in 1986 with the incorporation of a footwear quality control laboratory created in 1981. CTCP was created by Component and Leather Goods Manufacturers Association (APICCAPS) and two Governmental Institutes of the Portuguese Ministry of Economy(IAPMEI and INETI).
Main objectives:
. To support technique and technologically the companies of the footwear sector;
. To promote technique and technological training of the human resources of the companies;
. To promote the industrial improvement of the product quality and processes;
. To prepare and spread technical information to the industry;
. To carry out and stimulate works of investigation, it development and demonstration.
The CTCP has its head office, with 3000m², in S. João da Madeira, 30 Km south of Oporto, and a delegation with 1000m², located in Felgueiras, 50 Km north of Oporto.
CTCP executes its objectives through the following activities:
. Physical and Chemical laboratory tests of raw materials and final products;
. Products certification;
. CE Marking;
. Research into new materials, equipment and processes;
. Fitting and Comfort Analysis;
. Leather utilization;
. Test Methods and standards;
. Environmental and Safety Consulting;
. Production and Manufacturing Consulting;
. Quality Certification schemes (ISO 9000, 14000, 18000);
. Training services, professional expertise and teaching resources;
. Sectorial studies;
. Software development;
. Information and Communication services;
. Protection of Industrial Property;
. Internet and Professional Database;
. HSW - Health and safety at work;
. Environment;
. Design.
Non-profit Organizations, Footwear, wooden, Clothing and footwear, Textiles, Clothing, Leather, Watchmaking, Jewellery
HQ Location
Rua de Fundões - Devesa Velha
São João da Madeira, Aveiro 3700-121, PT
Ensaios Químicos e FísicosI&DFormação profissionalPropriedade IndustrialConsultoriaSSTDesignOrganismo NotificadoCertificação de calçadoAmbiente e Segurança no Trabalho