Our mission is to deliver the most desirable high quality leather handbags and accessories to our customers.
Serenade Beverly Hills Collection triumphs as a trendsetter and visionary among patent leather handbag and accessories brands in Australia since 1997. Thriving on the fashion essence of Europe, the Serenade Beverly Hills Collection offers the privileged connoisseurs an exceptional choice of premium leather products made perfect by a full range of impeccable design and quality production.
With distinctive design concept and dedicated execution, Serenade Beverly Hills Collection is in a leading position within the global market as an upmarket patent leather brand. Every detail in our products are designed to evoke the sense of eminence; we believe that our careful attention to detail exemplifies the passion for quality patent leather products and our tribute to every design. Along this strategy, different concepts and designs are custom developed by Serenade’s exclusive production line to meet the diverse needs of the global market.
Boasting a wide global network of premium patent leather products from Australia to Europe, USA, UAE, New Zealand, South Africa, West Africa, Saudi Arabia, and South America, as well as leading international cruise lines, TV Shopping Network and major department stores. We present over hundreds styles of leather products, faux-leather and travel products each season to satisfy the global market demand. Serenade Beverly Hills Collection is taking solid steps of expansion to bring even more fascinating and stylish leather products to our global network customers.