Women’s Aid is the national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children. We are a federation of over 170 organisations that provide just under 300 local lifesaving services to women and children across England.For 47 years we have campaigned on behalf of our members and survivors to shape policy and practice, and to raise awareness of domestic abuse.
Our support services, which include our Live Chat Helpline, the Survivors’ Forum, the No Woman Turned Away Project, the Survivor’s Handbook, Love Respect (our dedicated website for young people in their first relationships), the national Domestic Abuse Directory and our advocacy projects, help thousands of women and children every year.
Domestic AbuseWomen and childreHelplineRefugesGender EqualityWomen's RightsDomestic ViolenceViolence Against Women and GirlsIntersectional FeminismWomen's Empowerment