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About Ferry Hendra
Ferry Hendra is Partner at Geniora in Jl. Kelapa Gading Selatan HA1 No.51 Gading Serpong
Rukan New Jasmine
tangerang, banten 15810, ID. Previously worked at Freelance as Freelance Graphic Designer. Geniora is a E-learning company in Jl. Kelapa Gading Selatan HA1 No.51 Gading Serpong
Rukan New Jasmine
tangerang, banten 15810, ID with 18 employees
Ferry Hendra Social
Ferry Hendra Work
Ferry Hendra is the Partner @Geniora, with experience in Freelance Graphic Designer @Freelance
We care about family, it is the first institution in everyone’s life. Family is the first place where children receive their first education about value and about life. The future of children this day is the future of many generations.
Geniora desires to facilitate families in educating Children in the technology and digital era. We want to build communication between parents and children in learning and growing through day to day activities with technology.
Our Vision
Improves family through technology
Our Mision
Creating product that facilitate parents to accompany their children’s learning and growing process.