Our factory is located in Romania, specializing in the processing of acacia wood - a European wood species, as resistant as exotic woods and 100% natural, without chemicals.
Production of round and sawn posts, boards, rolling fences, shingles, garden gates, sanded posts without sapwood, robinia paving.
+500 trucks/year exported to 25 countries.
Typical customers: traders, winegrowers, zoos, fence installers, cabin builders, horticulturists, garden centres, DIY stores.
Company created in 2019 by Clément Vandenplas & Ferdinand Terlinden (2 Belgians arrived in Romania in 2010). It employs 70 full-time workers.
Concerned about ecology, we are certified FSC n° SGSCH-COC-011793 and we are committed to planting 1 tree in Romania on abandoned forest land for each m3 of wood sold.
Since 2022, we have been exploiting the forests ourselves. We thus control the entire production chain.