Gullimex, believing in understanding
Meten is weten. Gullimex is sinds 1981 actief in de verkoop, kalibratie (ijken) en service van meetapparatuur van o.a. temperatuur, lekdetectie en vochtgehalte. We zijn gespecialiseerd in Food, Medisch Pharma en Cold Chain en als zodanig marktleider.
Wij zijn kennispartner voor onze klanten. Al onze meetinstrumenten voldoen aan het voedselveiligheidsprotocol HACCP. De merken die wij leveren zijn Atago, Dansensor, Datapaq, Ebro, EuroScan, Hygiena, Swema, TempCube, TempMitter, TempWeb & Trans-Safety Locks.
Gullimex ontleent haar marktleiderschap aan voortdurende innovatie van haar product- en serviceconcepten.
We zijn gevestigd in Nederland (Borne) en België (Erpe-Mere) en hebben aldaar onze Kalibratie- en Serviceafdeling gehuisvest. Jaarlijks voert Gullimex meer dan 25.000 kalibraties uit met behulp van haar yellow box gratis verzendservice.
Gullimex, believing in understanding
Seeing is believing. Since 1981, Gullimex has been active in the sale, calibration and service of devices for measuring temperature, leak detection, moisture levels and more. We are specialised and market leader in Food, Medical Pharmaceuticals and Cold Chain.
We are an expert partner for our clients. All our measurement devices comply with the HACCP food safety protocol. Our brand range comprises Atago, Dansensor, Datapaq, Ebro, EuroScan, Hygiena, Swema, TempCube, TempMitter, TempWeb and Trans-Safety Locks.
Gullimex owes its market leadership to the constant innovation of its product and service concepts.
We are based in the Netherlands (Borne) and Belgium (Erpe-Mere) where our Calibration and Service departments are located. Gullimex carries out more than 25,000 calibrations a year with the help of its free yellow box shipping service.
Measuring and Control Instrument Manufacturing, Thermometers, Measurement - Equipment & Instruments, Precision Equipment, Measurement and regulation equipment and instruments - temperature, Telecommunications equipment (wholesale), General traders, department and retail stores, Retail & Traders, Professional and Commercial Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers, Wholesale and Real Trade
HQ Location
Oostermaat 7
Borne, Overijssel 7623CS, NL
temperatuurhygienecontrolegasverpakkenfrituurvetkwaliteitrelatieve luchtvochtigheidrefractometerspenetrometersdrukand pH-meterssilicone cable