Federico Bortolotti
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WIR SORGEN FÜR IHR WOHLBEFINDEN. Erde, Wasser, Luft und Sonne: Bei der Nutzung natürlicher Energiequellen zählt das Unternehmen iDM Energiesysteme europaweit zu den Vorreitern. Bereits seit der Unternehmensgründung im Jahr 1977 beschäftigt sich der österreichische Anbieter mit regenerativen Energiequellen und hat sich vor allem mit seiner eigenen Entwicklungskompetenz und zahlreichen Innovationen einen guten Namen gemacht. iDM (idea Development Matrei) Energy Systems offer heat pumps for heating, cooling and hot water production. iDM systems take the energy from earth, air, water and sun. Heat pumps utilize this extracted energy for heating, cooling and for hot water production. iDM heat pumps especially profit from the HGL technology that allows hot water production on a very lower level of energy consumption. Together with the iDM Hygienik fresh water technology, hot water is produced just in time directly from the pipe. The company was founded in Matrei in East Tyrol in 1977 as one of the first enterprises for solar plants and heat pumps in Austria. The first innovation in the late 70ies was the so-called “4-season-heating”, a system composed of an air source heat pump for spring and autumn, a solar plant for the summer and a wood stove for the cold winters. In 1987, IDM launched systems that not only used solar energy for hot water production, but also delivered solar energy into the heating circuit.
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Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing, Water distribution, Water, Energy & Raw Materials, Gas and oil - exploitation, Radiators, Heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration equipment, Construction, Heat exchangers, Heat recovery systems
HQ Location
Seblas 16-18 Matrei, East Tyrol 9971, AT
Heat pumpheat pump systemsheatingcoolingfresh hot waterdomestic heat pumpsground source heat pumpsair source heat pumpsiDM TERRA heat pumpsand iDM NAVIGATOR control
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