Since 2002, ALIGHT is both a trusted provider of humanitarian services and a frontrunner in tackling the most pressing development challenges faced by the country. Today, ALIGHT stands amongst the leading partners of the Government of Pakistan that are contributing to sustainable development and socio-economic empowerment of its citizens.
Alight Pakistan and Government of Pakistan (GoP) through the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training (M/o FE&PT) have launched a countrywide program; Educate a Child (EAC) in collaboration with Education Above All (EAA) Qatar to enroll one million Out-of-School Children (OOSC) in Pakistan. The program is aligned with the priorities defined in the National Education Action Plan (NEAP) 2016-2020 to address various challenges of the education sector in Pakistan.
Alight Pakistan believes that though enrolling “one million OOSC in Pakistan” is an ambitious task, only a program of such magnitude will make a considerable difference in a country that hosts world’s second largest group of OOSC. Alight Pakistan also believes that only collaborative efforts of public, private, development sector and philanthropists can enable Pakistan to reduce the burden of OOSC.
Alight Pakistan has been able to forge strong partnerships with the Government of Pakistan (GoP), its functionaries including National Commission for Human Development (NCHD), Basic Education Community Schools (BECS), provincial departments, various regional educational foundations and other line departments i.e. social welfare and child labor to join hands for bringing OOSC children in primary grades of formal and non-formal education system across Pakistan. In order to further the cause of strengthening education systems, Alight Pakistan has also developed partnerships with various donors and civil society organizations for continuous investment in the education sector.