Welcome to Riddlesdown!
We are a large, successful and innovative organisation, providing exceptional opportunities for teachers at the outset of or looking to continue their careers. As the largest school in the area, and the most successful non-denominational school in Croydon over a number of years, we continue to offer world-class secondary and sixth form education. Our most recent full OFSTED Report in March 2023 confirmed that we are outstanding in all areas.
Our aim in all appointments is to appoint colleagues who will share our aspirations and make a major contribution to building the best life chances for our students.
Our Vision
Riddlesdown Collegiate is a set of small schools, known as Colleges, through which we are implementing our vision and ambition to deliver “human scale” education on a large campus of almost 2000 learners. In particular, our vision for the Collegiate is to:
• enhance the emotional, physical, cultural and intellectual well-being of our students and staff
• accelerate improvements in standards and provide the highest chances of success for all
• reinforce the confidence of the community in our work and standards
• maintain improvements in our learning environment
• contribute to the development of outstanding education in Croydon
Our Values
Our ethos is to be a community in which all members are valued and value each other. We are all leaders of the Riddlesdown community, responsible for our learning and the Collegiate. We work together to maximise our own achievements and those of others.
V alue each other
A im high
L earn and lead
U se our talents
E xcel in our efforts
S tick at it