Welcome to LABTA
LABTA is the authoritative voice of business travel management in Los Angeles. With over 150 members from corporate travel executives and associates from the airline, hotel, group transportation and travel management companies, we are one of the largest Business Travel Association in the country.
There are many reasons to become a member of LABTA and enjoy the benefits of education, networking, and fun events!
LABTA is dedicated to broadening the knowledge of travel management professionals. The organization provides the tools, information sources and networks required for effective business travel management. Our monthly meetings and special educational sessions feature prominent industry leaders to speak and participate in panels on travel-related issues.
LABTA offers scholarships to educational opportunities and the CCTE (Certified Corporate Travel Executive) Program developed through Cornell University.
LABTA provides an ideal environment for establishing and maintaining business relationships in a professional arena. Monthly meetings provide excellent venues for members to exchange ideas and information in an informal setting.
Our LinkedIn page is an additional resource for our members and followers to share industry updates and all that inspires the travel community! This is also a great place to network, share stories, and learn from each other.