Our mission is to foster knowledge-based nursing practice, promote quality work environments, deliver excellence in professional development, and advance healthy public policy to improve health. We promote the full participation of present and future registered nurses in improving health, and shaping and delivering health-care services.
We believe health is a resource for everyday living and health care is a universal human right. We respect human dignity and are committed to diversity, inclusivity, equity, social justice, democracy and voluntarism. We value leadership in all nursing roles across all sectors, in order to advance individual and collective health. Through collective leadership, we collaborate with nurses, government, organizations and the public to advance healthy public policy.
Engage with registered nurses and nursing students to stimulate membership and promote the value of belonging to their professional organization.
Advance the role and image of nurses as members of a vital, knowledge-driven, caring profession, and as significant contributors to health.
Speak out on emerging issues that impact on nurses and the nursing profession, health and health care.
Influence healthy public policy to positively impact the determinants of health, supporting Medicare and strengthening a publicly funded, not-for-profit health-care system.