Established in 1984 by Philippe Barthélémy and Sylvia Griño, Barthélémy Griño is a Franco-Uruguayan architecture practice based in Paris. Our expertise ranges from urban design and architecture to interior design and furniture design. We develop all types of projects for public and private clients from early conception stages to execution. We have completed over a hundred buildings throughout France and overseas in Japan, Italy, China, Scotland or Russia.
Barthélémy Griño was awarded the Mention Spéciale au Prix de l’Equerre d’Argent for the Bords de Seine Stadium in 2003. More recently we have won the Premier Prix des Trophées Bois Ile de France for the Philippe Mahut Stadium and the Trophée Béton Pro for the Radar tower in Saclay. The Berluti Manufacture in Ferrare was a finalist in both the ArchDaily Building of the Year Prize and the Grand Prix de l’AFEX.