Warba Bank was established on February 17, 2010 by virtue of an Amiri Decree aiming to boost the economic situation after the crisis witnessed by Kuwait. On April 7, 2010, Warba Bank joined the Islamic Banks Register at the Central Bank of Kuwait. The bank met the aspirations of Kuwaitis and earned their trust. It managed, in a short time, to position itself in the banking sector, As a leader in Islamic Digital Retail Solutions.
• Our Vision
Creating unique value in banking and beyond to unlock opportunities for people and businesses.
• Our Mission
We deliver the best experience for our customers beyond the boundaries of banking, preserving our uniqueness and nurturing top talents while creating sustainable value for our shareholders and society.
• Our Purpose
Contributing to people, businesses, and society by empowering them to achieve their ambitions.
• Our Value
Trust: : We focus on our customers to gain their trust and serve their needs in the best possible way.
Innovation: : We continue to innovate in order to always improve the experience of our customers.
Performance: We aim to excel at execution and are confident to overcome any challenges.
Collaboration: We work with our clients and team members to deliver the right solution.
Ambition: We have the drive and enthusiasm to continuously surpass.