Advent Group is a leading media group established in Paris in 2004 by the French entrepreneur Christophe Coutat, CEO to date. Advent Group operates globally with four offices in Europe, Asia and North America.
Our specialty is connecting higher education institutions with prospective international students in 60 countries through the organization of various types of events. We also provide marketing resources and recruitment solutions for graduate schools worldwide.
With nearly 20 years of double-digit annual growth, 160 team members in 6 countries, 250 events per year, and thousands of exhibitors each season, Advent Group is a world leader in higher education recruitment events in many aspects. Our pioneering spirit drives us to implement industry innovations that we believe have a significant impact on people’s lives.
Since 2004, Advent Group’s mission has been to make education personal by providing the best service to every stakeholder, regardless of their origin, style, or financial abilities.
Our core belief is that everyone deserves the best - the best technology, attention, and expertise in matching, advising, and preparing for education and every other service we offer. Every event attendee deserves personal attention and guidance towards the best-fitting institutions, while every school needs to find the right candidate profile and match.
Excellence and innovation are at the heart of Advent Group’s culture and history.