PT. Asuransi Purna Artanugraha hereinafter reffered as
ASPAN Insurance established on June, 10th 1991. Having
Its business license issued by Departement of Finance,
Republic of Indonesia through its decree No. 155/KM.
13/1992,dated 23rd May 1992, Its business activty is
mainly concentrated on loss Insurance.
The establishment background of ASPAN Insurance was
Inspired by PELNI Pensioners' Health Foundation and
PELNI Pension Fund wishes to contribute in improving the
wealth of the members and at the same the opening Job
opportunIty for the Community. The intention was
welcomed by the Management of PT. PELNI which resulted
in the establishment of the in 1991, and started its operation
in 1992 atter having its official license issued by
Department Of Finance In the same year. The shareholding
structure of ASPAN Insurance compotition of 60% owned
by PT. Jaya Kapital Indonesia (JKI), 27,77% by PELNI
Pensioners' Health Foundation and 12,23% owned by
PELNI Pension Fund.
At first, the business activity of ASPAN Insurance is to
handle the segment of Marine Hull and passengers
Personal Accident insurance of PELNI. In the course of
time, along with the development of its business, the
business portfolio of ASPAN Insurance grew to include
other segments.