Eliza Bryant Village is a premier provider of outstanding healthcare, programs, and services along the continuum of care committed to serving greater Cleveland’s senior citizens with dignity and compassion.
Our programs and services include skilled nursing, senior outreach and adult day care, independent housing, rehabilitation center, dialysis care and respite and support for caregivers. Our Elder Justice Center provides free temporary housing and wrap-around services while we work to secure safe, permanent housing.
Eliza Bryant Village is the oldest continually operating African American-founded long-term care facility in the United States. Supporting more than 1,200 seniors annually, Eliza Bryant Village is located on 17 acres of land and is the largest employer in Cleveland’s Hough neighborhood with more than 260 full and part-time employees. A community of Care. Rooted in Tradition. Embracing the Future.
Hospitals and Health Care, Elder Care, Medical Facilities, Mental & Behavioral Health
HQ Location
7201 Wade Park Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44103, US
Skilled NursingIndependent Senior HousingRespite CareTransportatioAdult DayRehabilitation CenterOn-site Dialysis Care