Congregation Neveh Shalom is a vibrant and energetic egalitarian Conservative congregation dedicated to providing a home for traditional observance, study, and gathering for Portland´s Jewish population. For 150 years, we have worked together to build a community of connection, a house for people of all backgrounds, orientations, genders, and viewpoints.
***Our Vision***
A more humane world cultivated through Jewish living, learning, and celebration.
***Our Mission***
To foster and preserve an inclusive, authentic, and engaging experience of Conservative Judaism in the Pacific Northwest.
Through meaningful lifecycle events, spiritual, educational, and social experiences, we become our best selves, strengthen connections to each other, and forge positive change in the world.
***Our Values***
Community – Kehillah
Acting with courage, honesty, and integrity, we share meaningful moments where new relationships are forged, and old ones live on that shape our lives with connections to each other.
Innovation – Chidush
Bringing the best of our creative Jewish wisdom, we encourage and develop new and innovative solutions to close the gap in our vision between what is and what can be.
Jewish Life – L’Dor V’Dor
Embracing tradition and change, we engage in Jewish ritual, celebration and prayer, becoming an enduring family within our synagogue, keeping a vibrant relationship with Israel and the greater Jewish world, now and for generations to come.
Inclusivity – K’lal
With acknowledgment of the divine spark in each of us, we create a culture of belonging where people of all diverse backgrounds and identities—such as religious observance, race, ethnicity, ability, gender, or sexuality—are all embraced.
Transformative Learning – Talmud Torah
We strive to deepen our understanding of Judaism on the lifelong path to becoming our best selves and creating a more humane world.
Religious Institutions
HQ Location
Portland, Oregon 97239, US
Main Products
DaycareChild Day Care
Conservative Judaism practice and preservationInclusive community buildingSpiritual and educational programmingLifecycle event managementJewish ritual and prayer leadershipTraditional and innovative Jewish practices
Jewish Religious ObservanceSocial ActioJewish EducatioCemeteries