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About Evangelos Veronikiatis
Evangelos Veronikiatis has 3 current jobs including President & Ceo at Terra Spatium SA in 希腊, Vice President at Hellenic Aerospace Security & Defense Industries Group (HASDIG - ΕΕΛΕΑΑ), Member Of Bod at Helenic Association of Space Industry. Terra Spatium SA is a Defense & Space company in 90 I.Metaxa
Karellas, Koropi, Attiki 19400, GR with 22 employees
TERRA SPATIUM SA is a Greek company, the former Spot Infoterra Hellas SA, with more than 20 years of focused experience and wide range of capabilities in the fields of Geo-information; such as environmental and physical surface management, telecommunication, monitoring and management of utility networks, border control, national and regional planning, maritime monitoring, agriculture, defence, critical infrastructure and even management of natural resources exploitation (oil, natural gas). We start from our proven capacity to provide dedicated imagery data and tailored geo-information products and build-up towards the establishment of spatial knowledge management systems and user oriented geo-services.
TERRA SPATIUM SA is one of the founders of "EUGENIUS Association", a European initiative for SME’s willing to develop a network constituted by enterprises from European regions. The ambition is to jointly deploy services to public and private customers, regional and local, which need cost effective and sustainable applications. These applications exploit the large number of geospatial information related to a territory and available today at local, regional or national levels (