AIRDEX INTERNATIONAL, INC. headquarters is based in Orange County, USA with manufacturing facilities in China, Korea, Malaysia, and Mexico.
AIRDEX has developed and manufactures a new-technology shipping solution so revolutionary it can truly be defined as a "new paradigm" in an industry that has seen very little change in the last two decades.
The AIRpalletTM is an ultra-light shipping solution purpose-designed for the Import/Export of ANY product, and is especially suited to the fresh produce, high-tech and pharmaceutical industries where safety, security, trackability and extreme product and worker protection are key.
AIRDEX AIRpalletsTM weigh just 7-9 lbs (3.17-4.1 kg); carry 3,600 lbs (1,636 kg.) dyanamic load; are 100%
recyclable/sustainable; are shock and vibration-absorbing; ISPM-15 compliant; are RFID compatible, and virtually eliminate human injuries, as well as cargo and cargo bay damage. Via the product's benefits, features and obvious weight-saving abilities, the AIRpalletTM pays for itself immediately, becoming FREE in a single airfreight journey.
AIRDEX services many high-profile companies, saving its customers MILLIONS yearly, and in some instances, monthly. Additionally, AIRDEX supplies its customers monthly with our trademarked "Value Proposition Report" outlining the customer's monthly product usage; monthly (and YTD) savings realized, as well as, monthly CO2/environmental savings-proof-positive that the AIRpalletTM works and works well.
Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage, Pallets, Materials Handling, Home Improvement Centers, Material Handling
HQ Location
2901 W. Coast Highway, Suite 200
Newport Beach, CA 92663, US
Airfreight Shipping Solutions