Mirayi is an Animation Studio based in Malaysia, specialized in Digital (3D) Animation Cartoon Series and Animated Feature Films. Established in 2005, Mirayi has since grown by leaps and bounds to be where it is today. Mirayi is now one of the leading CGI Animation Studio in Malaysia.
Mirayi is committed and continually striving to create engaging stories and deliver high quality entertainment experience. We create and develop our own Intellectual Properties (IPs) and also provide complete CGI services to the advertising industry, TV & broadcasting industry, other production houses as well as various organizations in the corporate sector that may require CGI produced for various purposes.
Mirayi is fully licensed by FINAS, the National Film Development Corporation of Malaysia and MSC ,Msc Malaysia Status.
Mirayi’s creative team comprises of more than 100 passionate and innovative staffs, including some of the best young talents with world renowned intellectual property (IP) experience. Our dynamic company environment boosts our team's creativity to bring you high quality entertainment experiences.
If you love what we do, have suitable skills and experiences, JOIN US!
Send your resume hr@mirayi.my
Animation and Post-production
HQ Location
76-2 , block G , zenith Corporate Park
SS7/26 , Kelana Jaya , selangor darul ehsan
petaling jaya, Selangor 47301, MY
3d animationcartoon seriesCGI Studiomalaysia 3d studiofeature filmanimation servicesIP developmentand asia animation studio