We have many years of experience in optimization of both fleet management, safety, tracking, theft- and robbery security which is a part of preventing break-in, theft and robbery with up to 83%.
Our products and services are among other things:
- SelectaDNA DNA-marking theft
– Cargo Lock for mechanic break-in fuse in vans
– Advanced battery and power led tracking devices
– Guard and alarm handling
Unisecure Nordic is a part of the safety business and are certified according to the demands from DS/EN ISO 9001:2015
Security and Investigations, Security consultants and services, Services to businesses, Business Services
HQ Location
Porthusvej 7C
Kvistgård, 3490, DK
DNA mærkningDNA SpraySikkerhedTrackingDNA sikringFlådestyringSelctaDNATracebearlockcargolock