Leading Edge Construction is a family-owned firm that takes pride in their work and as a result are very selective on the projects taken on. Our focus is performing at the highest level and delivering great results recognizing that this takes a commitment to proper planning, collaboration, and quality workmanship. Our company was founded in 2020 by owners Todd
Lessard and Serge Lessard. Combined, they have decades of experience in residential, commercial, and industrial construction. Leading Edge is a General Contruction Service Company working on diverse project types including retail, commercial office, industrial, hospitality, pharma and life science markets. We service several Aerospace, smalll manufacturers and other industrial clients making necessary captital improvements to their business and operational spaces. In addition, we work closely with nonprofit organizations and residential clients on select projects.
As a result of our tremendous work ethic, commitment and core values, Leading Edge Construction has experienced continuous growth year-over-year since its inception date in 2020. We attribute this success to our diverse background, unique experience, and commitment to service. These
company values define our business approach and shape our project delivery methods which benefit client results, quality, and performance.