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About Erica Salcuni
Erica Salcuni is Coordinator For The San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative at Hospital Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties in 5575 Ruffin Road, Suite 225
San Diego, CA 92123, US. Previously worked at Hospital Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties as Coordinator For The San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative. Hospital Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties is a Hospitals and Health Care company in 5575 Ruffin Road, Suite 225
San Diego, CA 92123, US with 14 employees
Since 1956 the Hospital Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties (HASD&IC) has effectively advanced the interests of hospitals in San Diego and Imperial Counties. We are a non-profit organization representing 36 hospitals and integrated health systems in the two-county area. Members range from small, rural hospitals to large, urban medical centers; include not-for-profits (42%), district (13%), investor-owned (22.5%), university (6.5%), and city/county/state/federal (16%) facilities; and represent nearly 8,100 licensed beds. HASD&IC’s board of directors represents all member sectors and provides policy direction to ensure the interests of member hospitals and health systems are preserved and promoted.