IF CREATIVE provides digitsl tools and strategic solutions for Non Profits, Church's and other Community Benefit Organization's. Founded by two life long 501 leaders, IF CREATIVE works to build, train and develop digital tools that give back time so Organizations can focus more intently on their Mission. We don't push software, buy design tools for true capacity.
Current Solutions:
Content Marketing
Social Engagement
Diversified Fund Development
Fundraising and Volunteer Solutions
Board Development
Finance integrity
Secure Data and Privacy Tools
IF Creative, LLC is the culmination of a combined 30 years in the nonprofit space and dedication to living a life filled with purpose and pasion mixed with our zeal for life and flair for the impossible and of course the belief that all life is a performace on the grandest stage, David Faustina and Eric Inman one day pondered, what if? Thus, IF was born and is a social incubator of content and connection that require conversation and community.
We don't tell your story, we evoke yours and find the most innovative medium to share it. Our motto is simple- we are the narrarive for good. If you do good, have a product that does good or organization committed to good, we are the great choice to help you get your message of good out to the community.
Visit us: www.ifcreative.la
Let's move beyond the if to the moments that demand to be shared.
Digital MarketingMedia ProductioDigital and Social VideoDonor EngagmentSpecial EventsAcquisition StrategyWebsite BuildsFull Service Domain HostingOrganizational StrategyBoard of Directors Development