Brooklyn School of Inquiry (20K686), a citywide gifted and talented school, will be a K-8 school of about 500 students. Currently, BSI has two kindergarten classes, two first grade, three second grade and two third grade classes. Next school year, we will be admitting two new kindergarten classes.
Brooklyn School of Inquiry provides exemplary, differentiated teaching targeted to the unique needs of gifted learners. Programs are designed to foster self-directed learning by encouraging exploration, inquiry and reflective thinking.
We understand that gifted children require a program that is both compacted and accelerated. Students will develop high-level thinking skills and be recognized for their ability to think abstractly and critically with an eye toward global awareness. Gifted and talented students require a curriculum of diverse content and depth to realize their full potential. Our goal is to balance the social, emotional and academic development of our students in an environment that nurtures creativity and fosters divergent thinking.
Parents play a crucial role in the daily life and long-term growth of BSI. It is through this vital home/school connection that we will create a community that values sensitivity and respect for others.