Clear-Wall, a California corporation, is the developer & marketer of Clear-Wall Solar Window Insert – advanced solar control window film mounted on a lightweight aluminum frame that slides into window systems of all types ½” off the glass. By integrating the latest advancements in polymer technologies and window films, we can provide customers with a cost effective, easy to install and maintain solution to heat loss and solar heat gain. Our motto is start with the skin of the building and work inward to maximize building efficiency.
The Clear-Wall Window Insert is a lightweight, transparent, cost effective window retrofit product that is easily installed into an existing window system to stop heat loss & heat gain thereby reducing energy demand and making the space more comfortable. Our tensioning design makes window film look like glass, without the weight and cost of glass. Inserts are internally mounted ½” away from the window creating dead airspace for thermal insulation. Typical Savings on single pane window retrofits are 30% kW savings and 40% gas side savings. We have endorsements and/or support from utilities (PG&E), Lawrence Berkeley Labs, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Association (NEEA) and key industry players.
The Clear-Wall suspended film on frame system will soon carry emerging advanced film technologies such as transparent organic solar cells or electro-chromic films into the retrofit market. This will add dimmable & power generation to our demand side savings turning buildings into daylight adjustable solar farms. Customers enjoy additional benefits of soundproofing and air infiltration mitigation.