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About Erdenebaatar Sukhbaatar
Erdenebaatar Sukhbaatar has 2 current jobs including Director Of Business Development at MERA Group in City tower Business center, Sukhbaatar Square 8/1, Sukhbaatar District-8, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
City tower Business center, Sukhbaatar Square 8/1, Sukhbaatar District-8
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 90001, MN, Business Development Manager at POLARIS Engineering & Consulting LLC. Previously worked at Royal Group Mongolia as Director Of Business Development. MERA Group is a Mining company in City tower Business center, Sukhbaatar Square 8/1, Sukhbaatar District-8, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
City tower Business center, Sukhbaatar Square 8/1, Sukhbaatar District-8
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 90001, MN with 12 employees
Erdenebaatar Sukhbaatar Social
Erdenebaatar Sukhbaatar Work
Erdenebaatar Sukhbaatar is the Director Of Business Development @MERA Group, with experience in Business Development Manager @POLARIS Engineering & Consulting LLC
MERA LLC was established in 2001, specializing in mine blast services. Since 2006, we expanded our operations by branching into explosive material production and sales. Today, our company has expanded to become a leading mining company with a staff of 321, providing a full range of services in mine drilling, blasting, and explosive material production and sales.
MERA LLC introduces globally recognized advanced technology and innovation while closely aligning with market demand and the client’s needs as well as considering the local context. After the T11 ANFO explosives plant, established by the MERA Group in 2006, started operations, the T12 non-explosive emulsion matrix plant, the T13 packaged emulsion plant, the T14 booster plant, the T15 Non-electric detonator assembly plant was established. The group has been manufacturing industrial explosives for more than 10 years.
In accordance with their long-term strategy and vision, MERA LLC was the first in its field in Mongolia to introduce the international quality management standard ISO 9001:2008, the occupational health and safety management standard MNS OHSAS 18001:2012, and the environmental management and regulation standard MNS ISO 14001:2005 respectively, building its foundation to be recognized internationally.
Today, by being the leader in the industry, being trusted by and working with the world's leading mining companies who are operating in Mongolia and competing with international mining companies, MERA LLC proves its potential to compete internationally.
City tower Business center, Sukhbaatar Square 8/1, Sukhbaatar District-8, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
City tower Business center, Sukhbaatar Square 8/1, Sukhbaatar District-8
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 90001, MN