Akli Film was founded by Emre Konuk in 2016 as a media production company. He started his first production path with the projects "Hidden Kingdom" and "Milestones of World History", which were broadcasted on the TRT Documentary screens. He, then produced the launch films of TRT 2 and the documentary "Fuat Sezgin". The project named "Journey with Birds", inspired by Feridüddin Attar's immortal work Mantıku't-Tayr, was broadcasted every day during Ramadan in 2020.
Continuing the shooting of the "Alp Arslan" series, which will start in September 2021, Akli Film also shot the series "Awakening: The Great Seljuk" and "Hay Sultan" in 2020, in which the life of the sufi Abdulkadir Geylani is told in details.
Movies, Videos, and Sound, Motion Picture and Video Industries, Information
HQ Location
Arabacılar Sokak
Üsküdar, İstanbul 34676, TR
motion picturefilm projectsapprentice filmfilming sheikhtelevision and platformistanbul film festivalistanbul filmmental moviemental filmmotion picture projects