Visions in Action, also known as Africa Development Corps, is an international development organization based in Washington, DC with field offices in Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa and Liberia. VIA implements its own development programs in the areas of food security, education, international exchange, and HIV/AIDS while also providing Volunteer Programs for those looking for a long-term international experience in developing countries.
Visions in Action is committed to achieving social and economic justice in the developing world through grassroots programs and communities of self-reliant volunteers.
VIA adheres to the following principles in our approach:
Grassroots Approach- Development occurs best when we are as close as possible to the standard of living of those we are trying to assist. Therefore, a modest, low overhead, grassroots approach is taken in all that Visions does.
Volunteerism- We give of ourselves and make sacrifices for the betterment of others, expecting nothing in return.
Community- Our volunteers work as a community, living together and supporting one another during the experience.
Self Reliance- Participants and members of the community work together to attain self-reliance.
Social Justice- Our efforts are directed at achieving social and economic justice for those in the developing world