Created by Toussaint Roze in 1994, FILAE has developed, over the years, a unique expertise in the development of innovative technologies to facilitate public access to its roots for everyone.
Thanks to the legal advances in opendata and in the reuse of public archives, the firm launched in December 2016, a revolutionary new offer :
Based on a bigdata platform coupled with algorithms constantly improved thanks to "machine learning", this service allows users to easily build their family tree from digitalized archives, transcribed and indexed in a unique search engine.
A service at the heart of the French genealogical ecosystem
Filae offers a complete and constantly enriched service thanks to strong partnership with all the actors of the French genealogical ecosystem.
Public archives services
Local genealogy associations
Publishers and specialized press
Users can trust they are not making a mistake when they join because since the company’s creation, over 7 million users have registered for our genealogical services.
Since August 2021, Filae is part of MyHeritage group.